Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Hawkesbury City Council Mayoral elections will be held on Tuesday 16th September, Council Chambers, George Street, Windsor at 6:30pm. We understand that Kim Ford will again be standing for this position – if you were at last Tuesday night’s meeting and do not feel that he is a suitable person to hold such a position may I suggest:

1) Email him and all other Councillors expressing your opinion of his unsuitability for the role and encouraging them to vote for a more suitable candidate.

2) Come along to the meeting and encourage your family, friends and neighbours to come also – it was only by people turning up to express their support for the motion and displeasure at how this council has behaved under Ford’s “leadership” that influenced the Liberal coalition Councillors to support it.

Unfortunately the battle against unsuitable development is not yet won so your physical support is needed if we are to have any further success.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

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